
Verschiedene Richtungen im Islam. Theologische Konzepte. Forschung (für Gäste lesbar)
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Rumis Tochter
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Registriert: Mo 20. Feb 2006, 22:18
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Re: Khidr

Beitrag von Dilara » Sa 16. Apr 2011, 22:19

malaika hat geschrieben:
jalees hat geschrieben:
"In his devotion to bhang, with reverence, not with the worship, which is due to Allah alone, the North Indian Mussulman joins hynming to the praise of bhang. To the follower of the later religion of Islam the holy spirit in bhang is not the spirit of the Almighty, it is the spirit of the great prophet Khizr, or Elijah. That bhang should be sacred to Khizr is natural; Khizr is the patron saint of water. Still more, Khizr means green, the revered color of the cooling water of bhang. So the Urdu poet sings, "When I quaff fresh bhang I liken its color to the fresh light down of thy youthful beard." The prophet Khizr, the green prophet, cries, "May the drink be pleasing to thee." Nasir, the great North Indian Urdu poet, is loud in praises o his beloved Sabzi, 'the Green One.'

DAS weiß ich seit Taqwacore!! Bild
“God has revealed to me
that there are no rules for worship.
Say whatever and however your loving tells you to.
Your sweet blasphemy is the truest devotion.”
Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks
Beiträge: 2769
Registriert: Sa 10. Jul 2010, 13:49
Wohnort: hamburg

Re: Khidr

Beitrag von Amina85 » Sa 16. Apr 2011, 22:42

Ist das Auge rein, so sieht es nichts als Reinheit.
Abu'l Madschd Madschdud Sana'i,