Islam und Gender
  • Ahmed, Leila: Women and gender in Islam. Historical roots of a modern debate. New Haven; London 1992.
  • Akram Nadwi, Mohammad: Al-Muhaddithat: The Women Scholars in Islam, Oxford 2007.
  • Barlas, Asma: "Believing women" in Islam. Unreading patriarchal interpretations of the Qur'an. Austin, Tex. 2004.
  • Braun, Christina von; Mathes, Bettina: Verschleierte Wirklichkeit. Die Frau, der Islam und der Westen, Berlin 2007.
  • Mernissi, Fatima: Der politische Harem. Mohammed und die Frauen. Freiburg 1992.
  • Sonbol, Amira A. (Hg.): Women, the family, and divorce laws in Islamic history. Syracuse, NY 1996.
  • Stowasser, Barbara Freyer: Women in the Qur'an, traditions and interpretation. New York 1994.
  • Wadud, Amina : Qur'an and Woman. Rereading The Sacred Text from a Woman's Perspective, New York 1999 (2. ed.).